Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday and Holiday

I am staring at all these things innocently. =='

So today is the day i do my revision. Sigh.

Either we realized or not, our life seems like a copy and paste story since we have gone through the same things, not exactly same but sometimes we not learn from our pass mistakes.

So there is my story.

Keep calm and increase the Imaan.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Trouble and Unbelievable Things

Turn on the music > play all > on air "paradise by maher zain".

Assalamualaikum, and Alhamdulillah for giving me happiness.
For this short semester i am taking two crash subjects and violate myself for taking them. Microeconomics even i have been learnt it since diploma level, but i still cant adapt with this subject and it was teribbly bad. Next managerial accounting also i have learnt it but the group project got me into trouble.


And now i want talking about someone and let just know him as FH. This morning i woke up and checked my phone, what?? 34 messages ? Allahu. How i can describe my feeling. All those messages is the confession from his heart towards ehemmm me. And i was like, did i deserve for him?

Maybe this friday we gonna meet and have a good time each other. Hope everything goes well.

Indeed i was thinking, are this love will be felt like this till the end or just in the beginning? Okay, we'll see.

Daaaa.. wassalam. ™

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Assalam, Hye, Im Umie and Im not very new here.. hihohiho.

1. Actually, i already had 2 blogs before and since for such a long time i dont care about it because i am too busy, i mean yeaah, extremely busied so i just decided to delete all those blogs.

2. I am a Muslim. Just to inform you that I believe in Allah and Muhammad as Apostle of Allah. ~erm, since i am female, so the Arabic term is Muslimah, not Muslim. The meaning still means that those who are in Islamic religious but the difference is Muslim is for male, and Muslimah is for female. Just like difference between he and she.

3. I want recycle my deleted blogs but i cant find it. So, that's why i build a new one like build a new life

4. Now (in year of 2013) I am a student at International Islamic University Malaysia. 

Just have to write something before I designing my blog, and I can't wait for it. I love designing my blog last period but not everyone like mine i guess. Who care.... i just do it and will change it depends on my mood. 

Last but not least, Wassalam. ^^'