Sunday, March 1, 2015

#1 Entry for 2015.

Such a long time I didn't care of my blog. It seems too busy with study and busy with urm. haha. I dont know.

But Alhamdulillah, I feels blessed with my life, surrounding with the good people, and yeah also annoyed people but I just don't think about it that much.

So, for this year, such a good beginning because Alhamdulillah I have chosen to be a sub-com SRC for IIUM 2014/2015. I feels grateful enough to join that team in the Spiritual and Islamization Secretariat. Even I just attended only one meeting of 3 instead, (lol) but I know that all of the team members are super awesome. Btw, I'm not suka2 not attend the other 2meeting, it just because I have another work that more important to be done on that time. (Bajet busy).

The last thing that I want to write about Al-Aqsa Friends Society. I joined it because I just found a club which there is concerned about Muslim issues. And you know what, it is so super duper awesome club. I would be glad to join the programme related such as conference and forum. This club is trying to make awareness to all people especially student about what happened in the other Muslim countries. There are many Muslim countries where our friends there being oppressed and distracted by the enemy.

Before I joined this programme, I have known about what happened in those countries in war, but I dont know what is the cause of the war and how bad it is. Last week, me and my friends from Al-Aqsa Friends attended to International Conference on Future Democracy in Myanmar-Plight of the Oppressed Minority. Before that, I know that something happened to Muslim Myanmar. I have heard about Rohingya. But it is not a deep knowledge.

But then, after listening and understanding the speaker in that conference told us about what happen in Myanmar, I was surprised. Why? Because before that, I thought that Rohingya is the place in Myanmar, but it is not. Rohingya is an ethnic group and they're Muslim. Rohingya people live in Arakan. Rohingyan being oppressed by the government because they want to 'destroy' them (yeah because they're Muslim). How? They being killed, their houses burning, and they're not just become homeless but also stateless. How can this happen? This is so rude.

So, if you want to know more about Rohingyan, you can just google it.

In sha Allah, from now on, let us unite and stronger together as one Ummah. As a Muslim.